
Saturday, 28 December 2013

School Presentation From Turkey

       School presentation is a very important activity for school projects. We thought that it would be better if a presentation would be a student work completely. And Turkish team had organized a video competition to introduce our school. The competition went on for one month. And students took photos inside and around school, prepared their texts to be read in the video and asked their friends for help. Now the competition is finished and Cüneyt Beylan, Turkish 8th grade student is the winnner of the competition. Here we publish his video introducing our school, Düzce Cumhuriyet Secondary School. Congratulations and many thanks to Cüneyt for his excellent work. Here comes our school video..

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Mobility to Italy

         POW team met in Trezzano on 4th-9th of November. Hospitable Italian team had prepared a splendid welcome. The magic started in the gate of Istituto Comprensivo Franceschi. Art teacher Pietro De Seta had prepared a wall painting including partner countries flags and welcome words in their mother tongues. And more paints were ready to colorify contact persons' hand to leave an unforgettable print on the wall.


      The POW team (Estonia, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Slovakia and Turkey) met each other in the first exciting day. During the day we could see the departments of Istituto Comprensivo Franceschi in company with Italian students. We also had opportunity to attend some of the lessons. And during the week in Trezzano we could visit a primary school, a playschool and a children’s library.

       In children’s library we also could see a video about Navigli which is a system of navigable and interconnected canals around Milan.


        Wednesday was the day for Milan city tour. The POW team visited the Cathedral, Galleria, the Scala, Leonardo’s Last Supper. And we had well-quilifed guides (Michele, Giuseppe and two students) with us.

        During the time in Italian school, we also had some meetings with the whole team about some project issues like dates of visits and students’ mobilities. We shared our ideas and formed a general timetable about the 2-year-period.  
       And the last day was so inspiring with the presentation of disabled athlete Marco who took part in parolympic games. Italian teachers Francine, Vittoria, Francesca and Emanuela with her class were with us in the meeting, too.
           To be continoued in the next mobility to Slovakia..