
Saturday 19 October 2013

Piece of a Whole on Etwinning

       In the beginning of our project, while we were discussing with our partners to find a cyber platform to share our project outputs, videos, images, texts etc., we decided to use etwinning as our main platform. We preferred etwinning, because, twinspace is  legal educationally in our  partner countries, easy to communicate and practical to upload our several stuff in seperate parts for eaxch activity. Additionally, pupils would be able to communicate with each other in the parts of  "forum" and "pupils" in our twinspace. 
Out of this blogger page, we arranged a twinblog in twinspace, also. Our partners prefer using twinblog to share quick notifications about their activities. And we update our blogger page to draw an entire picture about our work in readers' minds. Here you can follow our twinblog, also.

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